Vessel Schedule Software

Manage 100s of vessel schedule changes without checking carrier websites

Prevent extra costs caused by vessel schedule changes

green-check-mark-circular-tick-16215Instant Notifications when vessel schedules change

green-check-mark-circular-tick-16215Validated ERDs/CY Cutoffs to avoid delays caused by conflicting data 

green-check-mark-circular-tick-16215Reliability Windows to plan drop-off schedules based on carrier performance

Track a shipment 20 shipments free. No credit card required.

Leading exporters trust TradeLanes:

The Problem

Tired of chasing vessel schedule changes

that cause gate appointment stress

and costly per diem invoices?


Vessel schedule roulette

Manually checking schedules twice a day leaves you exposed to costly delays and extra fees.
Did you know 98% of bookings faced vessel schedule changes last year?


Conflicting vessel data

Carrier website says this. Terminal website says that. Stuck in customer service limbo.
Exporters spend 45 minutes resolving vessel schedule conflicts.


Carrier (un)reliability?

Unreliable vessel schedules are a hidden cost-driver. These hidden costs add up fast.
Extra costs due to vessel schedule changes are $356–$361 per container.

The Solution

Get ahead with instant vessel schedule updates

to minimize pre-sailing costs

and ensure on-time cargo drop-offs.


Get Advanced Alerts

2-4 hours difference between TradeLanes alert and vessel schedule update email from carrier

verified (1)

Eliminate In-Gate Disorder

time saved from having to reschedule gate appointments with validated proof from ocean carriers


Reduce Per Diem

reduce Per Diem, caused by schedule changes. 20-30% with data-driven shipment planning

Focused - Email Alert v3

Auto Track Vessel Schedules

Instant vessel schedule updates sent to your inbox

  • Get ahead of deadlines (data is fresh)
  • Save valuable time (we check hourly)
  • Proactively ensure smooth cargo drop-offs
Learn more About Real-Time Vessel Schedule Alerts
Focused - Proactively Adjust Shipments v2


Pre-Verified ERDs & CY Cutoffs

  • Verified cargo windows with validated proof from the ocean carrier and the terminal
  • Dispatch drayage faster with documents they can in-gate with
  • Reduce cargo drop-off delays at the terminal
Learn more About Pre-Verified ERDs & CY Cutoffs
DTB v2

Reliability Windows

Cargo receiving window estimates based on carrier performance

  • Plan freight capacity based on data-driven insights
  • Estimated ERDs and CY Cuts based on historical performance by carrier
  • Minimize missed deadlines due to unreliable carrier communications
Learn more About Reliability Windows

How it works v2

Experience the magic first hand.

Don't worry, you don't have to speak with a salesperson to watch the demo.

It's a pre-recorded, online demo